Class Rules
Decide if you will be printing the rules from the website, making your own, or downloading a free set from TPT. (Remember you should NOT pay for any WBT materials on TPT!) Think about where you will post them. I like to have mine posted to my board with magnets so that I can pull them down easily when I using the rule BONUS on the scoreboard. I just put that rule right above my scoreboard. It also comes in handy to be able to pull them down when we are "breaking" a rule.
This is a HUGE decision! Where are you going to have your scoreboard? It needs to be as VISIBLE and ACCESSIBLE as possible. I have mine on a easel that is always handy but many teachers use their whiteboard near the place they do most of their teaching. It is important to consider WHEN you will be using the scoreboard. I use mine consistently during whole class instruction so I want it as close as possible. Some teachers use a portable scoreboard, if you think that is a better alternative go for it. Just remember the kids need to be able to SEE it! Order or make a dice to add FUNTRICITY to your scoreboard game.
Super Improver Wall
Choose your theme and get it all set up BEFORE school starts. I have all my colors to match my board cut and ready so that it only takes a few seconds to change a students level at any time through the year. Be sure to put your SIW in a place that you and your students will see and remember it. Bigger in this case is better!
If you are venturing beyond the beginner and intermediate levels of WBT be sure to print the Brainies and Power Pix appropriate to your level. You can access these by going to the free ebooks at
Stay tuned for a classroom video tour!
Stay tuned for a classroom video tour!